Sunday, June 9, 2013

It's About Life, Not Control

I've been trying to stay caught up with news sources regarding GMO as well as stay ahead of the weeds on the preservation, while managing the herd and flocks and to be honest, it's been quite an endeavor this week.  I find myself reading social media with half dazed attention as I read all the "get ready," "be ready," "grace vs. law," "obedience is paramount," unity, debates, discussions.  I'm not so much "disinterest," just maybe dissecting or discerning or perhaps a bit of disengaging.

As I read ideas, opinions, teachings, and of course they are all based upon the true interpretation of the Word of YHWH, I just had difficulty connecting this week, until the Prophet Portion this week and the New Testament recommendation which was Jude confirmed the questions and concerns I have come up against all week.  YHWH is good like that!

When Y'hshuwah said, "Be ready."  Did he mean hurry and get all your website promos and ideas posted before the internet monitors your house?  Or before it just shuts down, in general?  Or did He mean "be ready" to know where to go when it all hits the fan?  I mean He cares for His own, so undoubtedly there are people working their fingers to the bone to provide for G-d's people, right?  Or did he mean "be ready" to help others with more than just words?

As a writer, I value words, greatly, but also as a believer, I believe the passage that says, the Kingdom is not in "word" but in power.  Words without power and words outside of reality are, well . . . just words.  As I was reading Jude today, I noticed, just like reading I Samuel, there were things I'd never noticed before . . . Jude, in verse 12, makes mention of  cloud without rain.  My Native background gives credit to a chief who spoke to a religious charlatan making great claims.  The chief's words, "You speak of outpouring, you make your voice thunder, but I don't see rain."  Our words must mean something, because in the powers of the world, words turn into agendas and often times laws.

News from  Europe indicates all seeds will eventually be required to be certified and registered.  As I see the Monsanto power grab, it's not all just about GMO, some of it is about trademarking hybrids, which is a way around the prohibition of patenting nature.  A specific hybrid that is trademarked to a specific company is no longer a product of nature, and if the trademark is owned, the seeds of the produce belong to the company that registered the trademark.

Not only are we being poisoned by GMOs, but our very seed supply could be controlled by hybrid trademarking.  The food itself isn't dangerous, you just have to register the seeds . . . and you can't own them even if you pay for them.  It's a sort of rental lease option for your garden.

Meanwhile at the preservation, I had a very unusual experience this week on Preparation Day.  Some of the radish pods are now ready to harvest, not for seeds, just for consuming, but usually when the plant has gone to making pods, the integrity of the radish has diminished.  In picking several pods after a rain, I accidentally pulled the plant and to my surprise, with a plethora of delicious pods, the radish was also still intact.  It was with this discovery that I thought we truly are coming to a time in history in which the reaping and sowing is occurring simultaneously.

We need to remember, Jacob and family were pretty independently sustained before the famine.  We must consider without famine . . . or before famine, just how independently sustained most of us are.  Jacob had money to send his sons to Egypt.  What happens if we have no garden, China and Mexico refuse to deliver and modern "Egypt" won't take Visa, Debit or EBT?

Behold, the days come, says YHWH, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that sows seed  a Prophet of Holy Scripture

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