Thursday, July 23, 2015


Actually, I'm not going anywhere at this time, but others will be coming.   Once I wrote last week's article announcing there would be no "formal sukkot" gathering, something changed.  I then was awakened Sunday morning to hear, "Prepare for the Five Fold Ministry that is to come."  I've prayed for this gathering for years, long before I was even homesteading.  Oh, how I longed to be a part of the ministry team listed in Ephesians 4:11.  It has truly been a desire of my heart for nearly 20 years.  There have been a few times I just about jumped the gun and tried to do it in the flesh, but that was in the early years.  Abba has given me time to do some much needed maturing.

Recently, having witnessed the attempt to do G-d's work in the flesh, I cringe at the number of times I've done the same thing.  I still have a tendency to jump in, although not as often; but when I realize what I've done, I don't try to spiritualize it or rationalize it, I stop and go back to where I jumped.  Jumping in, in the flesh, means jumping out of the actual plan.  Paul said it well in Galatians 5:17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.  Many folks use this particular book, Galatians, in an attempt to disregard Torah, but the reality is, this book addresses putting on an outward appearance for admiration and recognition, or even sadder yet, addresses the attempt to imitate the presence of the Holy Spirit in one's life.  Having begun this covenant walk asking for discernment, with confession for why I needed it, Abba gracious gave me that spiritual gift, but not in it's fullness.  I couldn't have handled that!   As things are intensifying in this world, I've noticed they are amongst the religious as well.

So here's the deal for those of the five fold ministry who would gather here.  The work has already been established and is currently underway.  I'm not one who appreciates the cliche "We have to walk the walk and talk the talk."  I'm a woman of fewer words.  I say, "We have to walk our talk."  So, it's time to really start heading toward Abba's full provision of promise.  He says He provides and He does.  I don't go out and collect manna every morning, but I do harvest from a garden, except through Shemitah.  The wild greens and berries have been abundant this year.  I go out every morning to tend to chickens, calves, and goats, and every evening I bring in eggs and milk.  Although the beef is only harvested annually, it provides until the next fatted calf is processed.  I vacillate on how I handle processing chicken.  For fried, it needs to be young, but baked or stewed, I can leave it "on the hoof" and available year round.  Do I believe manna could fall?  Absolutely, I saw it one morning, the first autumn of the starter homestead.  I received it as confirmation, not presumption!  I saw it only once.

The next biggie for this 5 fold ministry is health care.  No compromise with the system!  If we don't receive a miracle and can't find a natural solution, it's time to get ready to meet our Maker.  The health care system will very definitely be a strong arm of power as the New World Order takes shape.  Check Germany's history in the late 20s and 30s.  Much of the government control began with disease control . . .  This will be one of the most powerful means of outreach to the remnant.  There is much to be received and taught from Scripture regarding our physical health and this will be a vital part of the ministry of this "Goshen."

Teaching the truth of Torah and Moshiach is truly the fulfillment of the Great Commission.  We are to teach all nations, baptize, and the topic of the teaching is to observe the commandments, to follow Messiah.  The original Greek term for "observe" is [tereo] meaning to guard and keep!  I noticed and appreciate how similar this term is to the Hebrew term Torah.  We learn something new every day!   I am commissioned to share the fullness of "tereo Torah."  As we prepare for this ministry, those who will gather are already in my prayers, as well as those who will gather elsewhere in this same ministry.  The Revelation 14:12b gives us a powerful definition of what it is to be a saint.

. . . saints: here are they that keep the commandments of YHWH, and the faith of Y'hshuwah.

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