Sunday, February 8, 2015

Opportunity and Discovery

Perhaps opportunity and discovery are more related than I first realized.  An opportunity came into my focus earlier this week that seemed just too amazing to let it pass, but . . . as the circumstances unfolded, the opportunity quickly seemed to be turning into anything but an opportunity.  At every juncture, there was a problem, oh not a big problem, not insurmountable, but each would certainly serve as a distraction.  That's when I began to really do some soul searching.  Was this opportunity, really a step forward, or a chance to pause and give reflection of my direction.

As I considered what could possibly be entailed by this presumed opportunity, the term entailed being the operative here, I assessed my current circumstances.  This so called opportunity was initially going to involve some serious work.  Work doesn't scare me, but unnecessary projects are just that, unnecessary.  I have projects I already have trouble working into the schedule.  My life is good, my life is full, and in nearly ten years of homesteading, I do not feel the need to "get away."  Clearly this opportunity, if it was truly an opportunity should amount to more than a get away with maintenance involved.

I prayed, I asked Abba why this, why now?  He then led me to further discovery.  This opportunity isn't about more land or expanding the homestead.  This opportunity was first introduced that I might truly discover more of His purpose in my life.  The homestead is where He has called it to be and that hasn't changed.  The fact that my life is full, I'm content where I am and do not need a break from this life is not the point.  It isn't about me . . .  This Cherokee does not need to own an acreage in the Cherokee Nation, but rather the call to invest time and knowledge to reach out to my people.

How often do we take on more than is necessary, which actually serves as a distraction and obligation rather than an opportunity and discovery?      

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