Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Moments

It's very easy for all of us to get caught up in plans, hurriedness, and obligations, and miss the moments . . . I'm just as guilty as anyone in my rushing through the day, but I was blessed this week with a "heads-up" on this very subject matter.

In preparing for the various things around here, from animal care, to the Goshen Gazette publication, to orders filled and shipped; not to mention my daily devotion time, and preparing for the coming tribulation . . . the day can slip into evening pretty quickly.  I've read so much preparedness advice, it's really starting to overwhelm me.  I'm not sure whether I'm more concerned about the anarchists or the survivalists!  What I do know, is I'm determined to embrace the life I've been given, and appreciate more moments.

This past week, here on the home place, I noticed several events of nature, in which I am so thankful, I took the time to notice, then to make the extra time to grab my camera to be able to share.

One morning the ice on the trees was glistening.  It truly looked like jewels were adoring all the tree tops and throughout the pasture.  My camera doesn't do the image justice, but the photographs do serve as wonderful reminders.   The photographs below are taken one day apart at about the same place, but what a difference one day made.

The sunlight that caused everything to be so sparkly in the morning, caused it to all fall off the trees by that same afternoon.  The ice fell from the trees like hail, only gently . . . I'd never seen or heard anything like it before.

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