Sunday, January 20, 2013

We All Want the Promise, but . . .

We need to read the full contract. I've postponed this blog for a few days as I sought clarity, but the pondering has led to posting. YHWH G-d is very clear in His covenant offer. Unlike banks, lending institutions, and people in general, He has no fine print, no hidden clauses, and He doesn't change His mind, so all those facts are awesome, and yet we still act surprised when we face our end of the deal. What are we thinking? As we seek to walk in covenant with our Creator, there are two things we must come to grips with. First of all, there is no room for extras on board who do not agree with the terms of the covenant in place, because second of all, the covenant has two sides. That has not been an easy acceptance for me, but it's a factual one. I know what G-d spoke to me several years ago, and to be honest, I'm dense enough without dealing with others who simply prefer a different choice. For years I've dealt with people who are "going to do this and going to do that . . ." but the only promises I can always count, are the ones when something stupid is declared. That promise, they'll keep. In retrospect, the foolishness of others is not my responsibility, so there's no need to associate or align myself with the consequences of decisions for which I have no respect and wouldn't make, myself. As the end of days continue to unfold, and the inevitable prophecies are fulfilled, being sold out by the whim of someone else would be horribly irresponsible on my part.
I've realized also, as more and more people say the world goes in cycles and "people have been thinking it's the end of days" for centuries . . . well right or wrong, these are approaching the end of my days, and they need to be numbered wisely. Tolerating foolishness to increase the numbers is never going to bring a five fold ministry; actually it will be the barrier to that. Which brings me to the second point of the covenant, my side of the deal.
I refer to the beliefs of this preservation as those of the Abrahamic covenant. I know what I heard years ago about the promise of Abraham. Unfortunately, up until recently, I hadn't considered his errors and his end of that deal that was offered. I'm so glad he was obedient. Where would we be now, if he hadn't sent Ishmael on his way and faithfully dedicated Isaac as the son to carry the promise? Now, I'm not suggesting we should dismiss everyone from our presence, not at all. What I'm saying is we must bear in mind the covenant we have made with our Creator supersedes any other covenant, and if there is a conflict, wisdom chooses the covenant with YHWH. Three accounts of the gospel Y'hshuwah was recorded to say, his followers must be willing to make the same covenant as the one between Abraham and YHWH.
ABRAHAM'S Call: Now YHWH had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee: Torah of Holy Scripture
Y'HSHUWAH's Call: And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. Gospel of the New Testament

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