Sunday, August 6, 2017

Alternative Health

I recently discovered the term "Native" is contained in the word, "alternative:  AlterNATIVE."
I've also been giving a great deal of thought to the words of Messiah in Matthew 10:8.   Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.
Here at the Land of Goshen, and Bethesda Renaissance Villa, I'm bringing the two together in wellness management.  I have freely received "time and life" from our Heavenly Father, and want to freely give.  I am not diagnosing, and the healing is up to YHUH.  I am reaching out to those who are dealing with chronic conditions of pain, and the only offer you've been given is "pain management" through Big Pharma.

If the cost was only gas money, a love offering, and 3-5 days of your life, would you step out in faith and alternative wellness?  I've never had full peace about a charge for guests at Bethesda Renaissance Villa.  Even after seeking wise counsel . . . still no peace until now.  I have to have some sort of notice of guests, due to accommodations and scheduling, but there will be no set price.  We all know the cost of food and accommodations, and the outrageous price of mainstream health care . . . Each scheduled event will have a button to make a donation, and I'm willing to also make special guest arrangements at unscheduled times.  I realize there are many believers attempting to be Torah obedient, who simply do not have much funding.  Sadly, due to mandatory government health regulation many are paying high health insurance rates and copay.  

The most despicable factor in American Health Care now, is the fact that doctors can "fire" patients!  Of course, when those with their god complex "fires" their patient, that event becomes part of their medical records, therefore; this patient becomes banned and labeled, on a larger scale.  Many people who live in constant pain are treated quite disrespectfully, if they seek relief in an ER.  When the person who is being payed, can fire the one who is paying them, something is seriously wrong!  Health and wellness has taken a back seat to Big Pharma and Power.

Now that so many in America are taking some sort of prescription for mental and emotional health issues, rest assured, those prescriptions will soon involve decisions being made "for your own good."  Health care and the court system have been intertwined for years, but now in "open collusion," wield an ungodly authority.  These two powerful entities are brought together through so called "protective" agencies such as DFS, CPS, EPS, APD, etc.  There are a great many government agencies with more power than the Bill of Rights to "protect" everyone from basket to casket.

So, in a nut shell, I'm going to open this place to those who desire a change in managing chronic pain or desire to deal with developed issues by natural means, on a Scriptural foundation.  I don't know if this will be received positively or negatively, but it is a fact!  . . . Our physical health is affected by our spiritual condition and our emotions.

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.  III John 2

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