Sunday, July 20, 2014

In All Things Give Thanks

We are told in Scripture to do precisely, that.  I had a new "in all things give thanks" experience this week.  The corn is ready, so I've been shucking and canning.  As I was shucking the other day, I discovered a worm in the end of a couple of the ears.  Suddenly, I found myself giving thanks for those corn worms, that were very much alive!  They had made it past the natural pesticide . . . I was so thankful to have organic corn.

I'd had a bad experience with some heirloom seeds I'd been given, so to find this corn that was deficient in Bt and had not been doused with Round Up, was a true blessing.  I realize none of us really have any way of controlling cross contamination with GMO crops, but to find live pests does offer hope!  All things considered, I'm a big girl now, I can cut around a few bad spots and definitely do what I can to stay ahead of pests and weeds.  The cauliflower was beautiful this year, as has been the squash.

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, we are blessed when we give thanks.  Our society has gotten so far from the original plan for humanity, however; we often don't recognize what is a blessing and what is not.  Perfect produce absolutely is a blessing, if it doesn't come at the cost of nutrition and sin.   It's time to call GMO exactly what it is, it's sin.  To genetically alter creation is to say we can do better than our Creator, and that is exalting oneself.  The purpose of GMO is to reward laziness and, of course, greed.  It's easy to call Monsanto evil, but to choose to use the produce doesn't make us victims, it makes us accessories.

 I've been blessed with some lovely produce, and the way the corn is being manipulated, I was truly relieved to see it imperfect.  Meanwhile, here is some more of the beautiful, organic, garden produce.

And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and G-d saw that it was good.  Torah of Holy Scripture

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