This week has been quite illuminating, here on the Preservation. Insight has been gained regarding the passage in which Messiah spoke of a man putting his hand to the plow and looking back. He gave a pretty harsh perspective.
And Y'hshuwah said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking
back, is fit for the kingdom of G-d. Luke 9:62
I used to interpret this as just keep moving forward . . . That may be accurate, but what if you're going the wrong way? What if you're tending a field that isn't your responsibility? This isn't about nitpicking Messiah's words or offering a tangent, but rather the revelation that insight gained from the past is not necessarily looking back. By that same token, what I saw this week in that moving forward with the same old goals may in fact be "looking back." There are a few personal examples I'll share that may help others as we realize change is imminent and ready or not, life as we've known it is isn't coming back.
This week, Loosed Woman, came to the breaking point. I realized the actual spiritual significance of the mistake, several mistakes, I almost made. I struggled with moving forward, as to how I would honor the fifth commandment and share my testimony. I also struggled with telling the truth, when I remembered, my parents through one of my many chastisements, actually said, "Not saying anything was the same as telling a lie!" Wow, no more looking back on that one. The truth shall make me free!
As I pondered in writing, the various situations that arose through that time were opportunities to finally do things differently. That was the "no looking back" I'd been missing. There were three areas in my life, I simply did not know how to handle in a new forward way. I had no idea, how to plow on through! The light came on as I muddled and rambled through Loosed Woman. When I'm unsure of my subject, I hide behind words . . . too many or too few.
Circumstances don't have to change. Others don't have to change. Even if I sacrifice the present and my future, I cannot change the past. What happened, happened, and it's not disrespect or disloyal to speak the truth. My testimony is what it is and Messiah made all the difference to bring me back to our Creator and His plan for me. I can't hide that under a bushel! As for putting my hand to the plow and looking back . . . No way would I want to go back!
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