Usually time is the subject of "Kingdom Economy" but the timing of three particular incidents correlates with the potential gathering of communities and I felt, perhaps this example would give all of us pause to contemplate the timing of opportunity. This scenario spans two years, and probably the finality of the second mile.
I had made plans with some people two years ago, over the span of several months, then something began to crumble. So we all sat down and discussed a new idea at length. By appearances, an agreement had been made, but I've since been told, the first party left, never intending to look back. So when the second calamity took place, I knew without a doubt, the others involved did not share the same priorities or had been dishonest, or possibly both. At any rate, I had been saved from the agreement in which I had ignorantly entered. I was reminded of Joshua and the Gibeonites . . . and the parable of the "clean house" in which the unclean spirit leaves, but there is no surrender to the Holy Spirit, and so goes to dry places. Oh my, this situation was so Scripturally obvious, but I wanted it to be the plan.
My comments through the conversation were consistent, as the others tended to vacillate. When the agreement was supposedly made, it was a matter of learning about alternative power for a year, then coming back and starting the installation business. Interestingly, even after it all fell apart, one year later, the job of the "learning opportunity" had concluded, but without a reasonable discussion, the door here was not to be opened.
I spoke with the company, just a couple of weeks ago, that would be supplying the products "our" would-be company would install . . . now, two years later, there is still no company established they can recommend. So, the idea flashed again and I posted it to social media. Several comments, but no takers. The real coincidence in all of this, is the person with whom I had first made the plans, just announced that the job he has been working, has ended. Even more interesting, this announcement came on the second anniversary of when the door was officially slammed shut.
We must take note of timing and opportunity. When opportunity knocks, it may not knock again. When we are in the wrong place at the wrong time, too often, we've established our course, but there is a bright point to the flip side of those who were hopeful. When people continuously change plans and miss opportunities, it's simply a sign that they are not part of the plan. As disappointing as that fact may be, their disregarding presence would actually serve as a hindrance. Those who are in the wrong place at the wrong time, at least cannot impede progress for those seeking the right plan at the right place.
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