Sunday, July 27, 2014

Unintentional Disregard

Last week, I made an error.  I didn't mean to disregard what YHWH had said, nor did I intend to annoy one of the goats, but I managed both . . . in that order.  One evening mid week, there was a circus in the milking parlor.  One goat, Jackie, was particularly precocious, to the point we had words . . . I literally told her, to straighten up, there was no rain in the forecast.  I specifically remember checking the extended forecast when I published last week's Goshen Gazette and realized, hot without precipitation was forecasted for the week . . . I've since apologized, but it's taken a few days for her to get over her grudge.  I don't think it's so much over the contentious tone, as it is over the fact I took an unnamed, faceless report over her personal insight.

I've mentioned more than once, when I began homesteading, YHWH told me to watch the animals to know what the weather would be.  For a number of years, I didn't even check the weather forecasts.  It's only been since editing the Goshen Gazette, that I have been keeping up with the long range forecast . . . and now I've had to repent.  For nearly a decade, I went strictly by the Instruction of YHWH and when the animal's behavior changed, it indicated a weather change, and I heeded the warning.  The other evening, I shamefully disregarded the warning.  To make matters worse, I reprimanded her behavior and withheld her "Goatie-O's" as punishment for her behavior.

Although Jackie has indicated she's willing to forgive my stupidity, I had to talk with Abba about it.  He had told me to watch the animals.  Even knowing how accurate it had been for so long, I heeded the "wisdom of man."  Some may think I'm splitting hairs or being legalistic, but I was guilty!  As I write this, there is no doubt in my mind that I had to ask forgiveness for disregarding His instruction.  Here we all want to hear G-d, personally, then when we do, do we act on what we hear?  I confess, I was wrong and I'm back on the straight and narrow.  Now the critters behavior is the foregone conclusion.  When I look at the weather site at the Goshen Gazette, it's only to see if that forecast agrees with the experts!

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