Sunday, June 1, 2014


As we prepare for Shavu'ot, of course there two schools of thought, probably more, but some will be observing mid-week, others this coming Sunday, and some are doing what I did for a few years, which was to observe both countings.  Regardless of which way you count or day you observe, we can see even in the differences, a coming together.  I wrote last week about communitying up and I'm excited to see so many others are thinking, hearing, or envisioning along these same lines.  I've always known this would be just one of several small community gatherings.  Social media has really helped in letting each of us know where others stand on certain beliefs and understandings and I think that will make the gathering easier.

There are a few that tend to believe it all has to be the same or else, but I see it a little differently.  I already mentioned being tempted to have the morning to evening Sabbath keepers here to get done what I couldn't get done by sunset, but I know that would be wrong.  Seriously, though, let's consider the differences of observance for just a moment.  Of course the big debate about sunset, dark, night and day is really only an issue because we now have electricity and motors.  Messiah said nobody worked at night.  It wasn't a command, just an obvious fact of life.  Back when folks plowed with oxen before tractors, nobody tied candles or lamps on their horns to keep plowing in the dark . . . Same with riding horseback or on mules.  The animals had to stop, be fed, watered, and rested.  I'm sure when there is no buying and selling, there won't be time for so many debates . . .

New months are also debatable, sliver, dark, full, but the reality is, some of us have simply accepted we'll know when Messiah returns.  What would it hurt for me to observe the way I keep the new month, and then out of respect for my brother or sister, spend the day they observe, NOT arguing with them about it?  I do believe as the end of days unfold and communities do gather, we'll realize a greater purpose and appreciation for each other.  I'm also guessing the proper time spent in prayer and the effort it will take in just staying alive will greatly reduce the divisions and discord.  I am also aware that not everyone will share this perspective, and the perk to that is, there will be more than just one kind of community.

I really do see social media as the stepping stone for many of us to see where others stand and who and how we can work together, as well as who and why we cannot.  It's so good to know who "Ameins" who, now; and who annoys who, now.  It's also good to know, regardless of the differences or because of them, there will be a number of communities organizing soon!

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, says YHWH, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,  And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, says El Shaddai.  II Corinthians 6:17-18

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