Realizing it's easy for me to "get ahead" of G-d on a plan, I've been purposefully taking this move forward with caution. Taking 2012 into consideration, perhaps the word is trepidation, but I think I've gotten to the place of just longing to do this in His perfect timing. Obviously, I don't actually run faster than G-d, but I can certainly miss His timing by rushing ahead. I truly almost considered not moving forward with the plan for community, but I realized immediately that counsel was offered by the most ungodly person I know, so I sat back, regrouped, and sought Abba. In regrouping, I should say, laid down my apprehensions and simply stated, this place is Yours and I am Yours, Thy will be done!
I've come to realize many of my weaknesses, there are probably more, I've overlooked, but I do think I see myself, for the most part, as I am. I'm not perfect. That means I don't do anything perfectly, so ideas and suggestions are always welcome! I realize in this call, I'm sort of a bushwacker, jack of all trades, and master of none. I am quite the idea girl, and can implement many things, and maintain many projects, but I also know there are people with greater talents in specific areas. I feel like I have a number of talents, but on a scale of 1 to 10, most of them are probably about a 7, maybe a couple of 8s, as well as a 5 or two. Anything below a 5, I wouldn't call a talent, but rather an endurance . . . Oh, I would say, my talent with goats could be a 9.5+
Now, back to the realization that this really will be offered as a community site, and probably fairly soon. I don't know how YHWH will lead people here, and I have no idea what the living accommodations will be. What I do know is this. I'm to be ready to share and ready to relinquish to the experts that which I've just been maintaining. I also know all ideas and suggestions for change and improvement, must align with Scripture.
A friend of mine said he has even drawn up an outline for the way a community could operate. I'm thinking it's about time to ask for his input. The one thing I do know, is the people who will be coming, will say what YHWH has told me they will say, and that's all I know for certain. I guess I know just enough about Abba's plan for this place, to not get ahead of His timing!
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1
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