My ancestors did not believe land was to be owned by humanity, it was to be used to produce food and shelter, but the land itself belonged to our Creator. I can't help but believe that the current view of land ownership is part of the problem in America today. Land is now treated as an acquisition. I've seen and heard some accounts of acquisition that were accomplished in very underhanded ways, only for the land to just be "owned" but remain unused.
The people of YHWH don't live by the standards of the world, however; so as in the tradition of my Native ancestors as well as in Torah observance, this land is dedicated to the purpose of YHWH. When one becomes a believer life changes, but it's becoming clear that the American way of life is changing, as well. I see many preparing for big changes, including a more nomadic lifestyle. Many believe they will be either nomadic or bound to urban settlements or camps.
It is easy to follow the recent history of unsecured credit, unrealistic mortgages, real estate bubble, collapse, homelessness, and relocation of people. Every time I drive past a home in foreclosure, I ask aloud, "Where are the people?" Many, I'm sure have moved in with family or become renters, and rental property is usually closer to downtowns, clearly a more dense population. Those who find themselves homeless are also often in the downtowns, as that is frequently where assistance can be obtained. Some cities are now actually setting up "shelters/camps" for the homeless with the alternative being jail. As more cities and states fall short of funds, and more people fall into poverty, the potential for forced "shelters/camps" is becoming clearly obvious.
I chose to get out of debt nearly two decades ago, but it took me about four to five years to actually accomplish that. My lifestyle changed dramatically, but I was being prepared to be able to live in a different way. As times do become more difficult, this land will be a place to be shared. In this country, someone's name has to be on the deed to pay the taxes, but the land belongs to YHWH. Whether it's a genuine heart for ministry, or seeking to learn an agrarian lifestyle and Biblical health, this land is dedicated to the use ordained by our Creator, and to be shared with His people.
The people of YHWH are merely sojourners on this sod, and what we have, we share with our fellow believers.
The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers
and sojourners with Me. Torah of Holy Scripture
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