Sunday, April 27, 2014


As the dogwoods are blooming, and spring becomes obvious, there is a new awareness that has come to my attention.  Discernment in these end of days, especially for those of us who are establishing places of refuge and comfort; is imperative.  Just like Abraham's servant at the well, I've already asked YHWH, to please tell me what I am to hear from those who are led to be here.  It's so easy to get caught up in the hope and enthusiasm of fellowship and unity, but . . . television and social media makes it very easy for everyone to know the "right words" to say, without sharing the same faith.

A few years ago, I was given a dream of warning that people would actually come just for the provision, and worse, to implement their own personal ideas, without any personal "investment."  The dream basically revealed the possibility of my becoming a servant to self-serving humanity, rather than YHWH.  Now, of course, we know as times become difficult, anarchy and theft is a real possibility, but that dream a few years ago wasn't of vandals and marauders, it was people "talking the talk" to get their feet under my table . . .  The dream was about showing me my own weakness,  We don't need discernment to know right from wrong, we need discernment to understand the difference between being used of G-d or used by man.

In the past five years since establishing this homestead, there have been visitors that talked the talk, but are clearly planning on taking advantage of the diligence of others.  I don't have a television, but I hear about various "religious prophecies" and of course social media is full of "teachers," exhorters, rabbis, pastors, etc.  I have often found a common thread, in that "everyone" seems to believe the time of tribulation is nearly upon us, yet talking seems to be their plan to prepare.  Some seem to even be scoping out what may be a good place to head when the going gets tough.

I was not brought here to put my light under a bushel, but by the same token, the feelings I've had about being "cased" have been confirmed by two witnesses, who knew nothing of my dream or the people who have come "in search," only to reveal their true intent.  For all those who are preparing; be advised, most everybody is going to have "the mantra" or the buzzwords, so ask YHWH what the "right people" will say.  I've even been contacted via third party to provide lodging for people I've never met or spoken with.  YHWH has given me some specifics and I know he'll do the same for other homestead ministries if asked.

If Joshua can be taken in by wily Gibeonites, don't think it can't happen to us . . . The following are snippets of the account found in Joshua 9.  I encourage you to read the full account in context.

And when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done unto Jericho and to Ai,  They did work wilily, and went and made as if they had been ambassadors . . . And they went to Joshua unto the camp at Gilgal, and said unto him, and to the men of Israel, We be come from a far country: now therefore make ye a league with us. . . thy servants are come because of the Name of YHWH thy G-d . . . And Joshua made peace with them . . . Joshua 9:3,4,6,9,15

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