Sunday, April 6, 2014

Practical Preparation

A couple of things have really hit me, hit me like a sledge hammer!  YHWH told me, "It's time to prepare practically for the purpose.  This place is no longer to be run like a petting zoo."  I'm sorting through exactly what that means, but so far I do know three things and one is particularly troubling, yet must be.

First, the herd and flocks needs to be strong, productive, and purposeful.  Chickens that don't lay eggs, need to be in the freezer, not die of old age because they are "pretty!"  Goats that cease to be productive or refuse to be good mamas need to be culled and repurposed.  Some people would like a goat, just for the companionship for another one, that's a fair situation, but no four-legged freeloaders.

I was blessed to discover I can have two calves continuously on the place, without a tax issue, so that makes it easier to allow the beef to get larger.  With the farm headed for a more structured purpose, the next two things are becoming clearer.  I've been reminded many times of late, as to my original call coming further into fulfillment, in writing and natural health.  Why do we just accept the social status quo, along side the Gospel?  It's time to be a set apart people in every aspect of our lives.  My health plan is prayer, oils, and herbs, and I'm preparing to share.  My writing is neither politically correct or religiously correct, but I do seek YHWH in prayer and His Word.

The last item that has surfaced is the fact that family is not necessarily what we assumed or even hoped.  Many of us are discovering blood bought family is actually closer than blood relatives.  We are also learning that the warnings are being sounded world-wide and for those who know time is short, they won't be welcomed to partake of that which they have not prepared.  It has been a truly heartbreaking realization to know I've been given the responsibility of gatekeeping, here at this preservation.  I have been given some very specific instructions and words to listen for, and to do otherwise; will be failing in the commission of my call.

Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.  ~ words of Messiah

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