There are two family styles I have always admired, but yet neither were meant to be for me. For one thing, I have no experience from which to draw to be the matriarch of such a style, and the other are the thoughts that it simply isn't G-d's plan for me, or doesn't fit into the plan I crafted for myself several years ago, before walking with YHWH . . .
One family appears to be close in heart, while not necessarily, geographically. The parents are now retirement age, but never made any bones about working for the "almighty dollar." They raised their kids to have good work ethics, or at least money making work ethics. They have all achieved education and career goals, and for the most part maintained the traditional family values as well. The parents are with their original partner and I believe all but one child/sibling is also with their original spouses. They have an unconditional love that I've watched supersede all barriers and they truly rally together for the bad times and gather to share the celebration of the good times. I admire it, I have at times envied it, but I can't emulate it or recreate it, as a parent or a child.
The other family I was watching in hopes of achieving similar results, is also successful in their cohesiveness, and their livelihoods, but in a much more earthy way, and are very geographically connected. The next generation (baby boomer) men did not obtain college degrees, but they are quite entrepreneurial and definitely are not afraid of hard work! The women all work independently and from what I can tell, all in-laws get along well. They have a real "family tradition" set of values, while also embracing, "everyone does their own thing." I have definitely enjoyed watching their lifestyle, certainly envied their unity, but again, it's just not in my future, although for a very brief time, I thought it was within my grasp.
The first family mentioned is all about "American, conservative, family-values." I think they all attend their various churches, have good work ethics, and their folks are quite proud to tell anyone and everyone that the kids have good jobs, making good money . . .
The other family, also shares values, but not so much in making large amounts of money. More along the lines of valued investments, as in land and business; while spiritual matters are on a back burner or predominantly, off the table. They don't mind if someone wants to pray, but . . .
Both of these families, and there are now at least three generations in each, are the two basic, but very different image of mainstream America. What has taken me years to understand is seeking a Scriptural basis for living isn't going to be in mainstream in America. I have discovered in my own situation, a longing for spiritual connection that both of these families also share, but it's a different order of priorities for them, or type of priorities. These families both have the same spiritual values amongst themselves and that, I believe is key to any group actually working and co-existing well together.
That is probably why Y'hshuwah identified his family as those who did the will of His Father, rather than the blood relatives in question at the time. Perhaps that's why Ishmael got sent away from Abraham's life. After living through some pretty harsh negative experiences, Joseph's brothers certainly gained a new appreciation for their little brother they had once found to be so annoying.
We are all spiritual beings, who choose where we place that particular priority in our life. Like-minded people who share similar spiritual priorities manage to interact well. A spiritual bond is a tie that binds. Also though, a spiritual difference makes all the difference.
Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. New Testament
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