It has finally dawned upon me, what is wrong with our G-d, family, and country platform, besides the obvious idolatry involved in elevating anything besides the G-d of Israel to the prominence of top priority. Not to mention three entities cannot be the top priority. Y'hshuwah said we can't even have two masters, much less the three we are taught. Those three priorities don't even include the mammon so highly valued in most of our society. To claim anyone or anything on the same platform as our Maker, is to demote our Creator.
The realization hit like a ton of bricks, that not only was Abraham called out of his country and family, but Y'hshuwah said basically the same thing to believers of that day. A prophet would not be received in his own country or own home. Three times it appears in the New Testament that by very comparison to the way we are to feel about him, other relationships would be as "hate," and family is mentioned specifically. Now, it's not that we are truly to hate our family, as he commanded us to love our enemies, but he also mentioned that our enemies would be in our own families. One of the signs of true believers, is the severe family disdain directed toward them.
I've always been intrigued by the number of people who attempt to correct me in the definition of my own beliefs in order to tell me they believe the same thing, only different . . . Exactly! There is truly nothing new under the sun.
We need to take hold of this, and I can't believe it took me so long. True believers are going to be ostracized by friends and family, or mocked. It began with Cain and Abel, but descendants were not an issue with them. I believe we're all familiar with the next major family discord, being Ishmael and Isaac. To this day, the discord continues between the descendants . . . By the time Jacob procreated, there were 10 family members against 1 brother . . .
Y'hshuwah already said it would be the same for his followers, because we are the ones he came to save. Whether it's Ur of the Chaldeans, Egypt, Babylon, Rome, or now our modern society, the majority has never been right in the eyes of YHWH, and G-d's people have always been peculiar to the culture of the time. I probably don't need to mention this part, but they weren't terribly popular either. Only one of Messiah's followers died of old age, and he was in exile on Patmos. Considering the fact that Paul was a Pharisee, son of a Pharisee, I'm guessing family gatherings would have been a bit awkward after his Damascus road experience.
It isn't easy to accept this fact, but it is a fact. Abraham had to let go of everything to take hold of the promise. Y'hshuwah gave every indication the conditions had not changed, and stated as such. As these last days continue to unfold, we will see, on a smaller scale of course, more examples of country and family rejecting those who actually seek the One true G-d of Israel, who is YHWH.
And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for My sake . . . And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for My Name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved. Matthew 10:18a,21-22
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