We can clearly see some horrific world events are taking place, while we are also primarily accepting that some things are just not being covered. What is becoming strangely clear, are the number of these events that are taking place while those of any distance at all, seem to just keep going, business as usual. Believe me when I say, I don't have a bunker and I'm not dropping out any time soon, although I've already been accused of that for a few years now. As many of us continue to sound the warning, I'm seeing a general malaise or even rejection of the warning. The day is coming and may already be here in which those with discernment are simply referred to as conspiracy nuts, or worse, become institutionalized.
The economy did not recover, it was propped up. Now that the Supreme Court has determined they have the right to overrule the Bible, without repentance; judgment is coming. The fact that we all now know what's going on at Planned Parenthood, without serious change and boycotting, the blood is on all our hands. Let me qualify that statement with this. We will probably not be held accountable for what was done in ignorance, such as the patronizing companies that supported PP or for those who have benefited from the medical research, BUT we are no longer ignorant! There is no more excuse. I've heard the outrage from many who do not even have computers, and the videos have been viral across social media. We have no choice but to take personal responsibility that we do not benefit in any way by the fetal tissue; or that blood is on our hands. No Excuses, come judgment day.
Foreclosures have continued to take place, and businesses are shuttering. The square in a nearby town looks almost ghostly and historic as the many old buildings, refurbished by the DREAM Initiative surround the county courthouse, still empty. Yet, people say, we don't want to hear "gloom and doom." How about just the simple truth? Every time I leave the place I see at least one new "for sale" sign in front of a shuttered independent business. It seems the primary new businesses are in health care. America is no longer cycling, but spiraling downward and if the bad news is kept somewhat scattered, perhaps a few can keep living like it's business as usual. As the standard continues to drop, we just keep accepting less and less while putting up with more and more. Sooner or later, this mandated "tolerance" concept is going to snap! That may be the gloom and doom scenario I should be warning about. Eventually those espousing tolerance will be forcibly and aggressively, intolerant, and that could be even more frightening than all the religious nuts they are warning everyone about. Now that a person of integrity who lives by their convictions has been labeled unacceptable to society, with very negative adjectives, the "tolerance nazis" will have to find new targets.
The simple fact of the matter is, judgment is coming and some of us are called to sound the warning and share the solution. I firmly believe there will be more man made temporary solutions, but I'm suggesting we not "buy" into them. They are temporary and tend to come at a cost we cannot really afford, spiritually. There is only one answer; and that is REPENT!
From that time Y'hshuwah began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of
heaven is at hand. Matthew 4:17
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