Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Acceptance of Rejection

It's okay to say, "I'm sorry I failed to meet your expectations, but I've done my best," and then politely decline the next opportunity "extended" to possibly make the grade.  We simply cannot please everyone, and we are not expected to do so.  Even Messiah, who was perfect, didn't please everyone, but he did say we needed to give them two chances.  What made Messiah perfect, was; he pleased The Father.  Sometimes pleasing The Father causes rejection in our circle of influence.  Messiah said our enemies would be of our own household, so . . . we really have to stop trying to meet the expectations of others and truly seek to please Abba.

I've had several challenges through the years of folks wanting to be a part of what I'm doing, but their very first effort of participation is to change me.  As it turns out, I definitely had room for improvement, still do, but one of the biggest improvements I've made is to recognize their effort to change me would change what I'm doing.  There is no need to change the purpose to make improvements.  I've learned several hard lessons about trying to please a critic who really will never be satisfied and it's such a relief to realize that before I expend useless effort and energy, to result only in exhausted rejection!  Not everybody is thrilled with me or my abilities, and that's okay.

Then there is also the factor that some folks are just takers and the minute you are not a giver, the interaction changes.  When the interaction changes, that doesn't mean the giver has done something wrong, although that is the way the blame will lay.  All that really happens is the relationship is exposed for what it truly is.  If the giver refuses to comply with the demand, the taker, more than likely will take their demands elsewhere feigning victimhood.  When that happens, the rejection may hurt for a time, but the day will come when relief just washes over like a refreshing spring rain.

Once we come to the point of acceptance of another's rejection of us, there truly is a freedom.  I'm not, for a moment, suggesting we are to be rude and unkind, but rather this is for those who really are trying to make peace or appease others who simply will not be pleased.  As the remnant looks toward community, we need to know there will be folks who are easier to get along with than others, and folks who get more accomplished than others.  Then there will be those who are not so easy to get along with and don't get as much done, but seem to require a great deal of attention and have a plethora of ideas for others to implement.  To put it simply, those folks are not community material!  My particular MO is, I'm friendly, don't need much attention, and willing to give 100% effort, but I do need my space.  I can work and play well with others, if I get time to work alone.  Community is going to require team players who encourage and respect each other.

We should always let our Heavenly Father lead us in stretching beyond ourselves, rather than our critics.
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.  ~ words of Messiah

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