I'm all about laying in a supply. I don't go to town often, and I'm not one to utilize fast food drive through. I don't want to hoard, but I am absolutely adamant against waste. I didn't waste any of last year's abundant harvest and I've bought a few extra bags of rice and beans, but more valuable than a few extra jars in the cellar or bags in the pantry are seeds and soil. Sustainability beats stockpiling, hands down.
As our nation plunges headlong into spiritual darkness, judgment is inevitable. Scripturally we see, when the judgment becomes intense, it will be evil that will increase. By now, it should be fairly obvious, evil doesn't have much of a conscience and apparently, even less remorse. Pride is a sin, in and of itself, but America has now become so depraved, this society is actually proud of sin! For those with any sense, a plan of survival, independent of the societal collapse would be wise. Sustainability beats stockpiling.
Scripture tells us the love of money is the root of all evil, so promise of economic recovery has historically laid the foundation for many evil dictators and rulers. Stockpiles can be stolen and or depleted. Of course, something or someone can get in gardens and chicken houses too, but unless death and destruction is the goal, a plant would continue to produce and hens will lay more eggs. Scripture tells us there is a day coming in which we will not be able to buy and sell, we must have a source of food that is outside of commerce. Again, sustainability trumps stockpiling.
The truly sad thing about our instant gratification society, is that most people simply can not envision a goal; and sadly will not be able to foresee exhaustion of the supply, either. With everything that is stockpiled, be it ammo, groceries, or freeze dried rations, it does not continue in perpetuity. Our Creator's plan was for humanity to tend the garden and care for the animals. Even in the the case of the ark and the flood, Scripture tells us Noah was a farmer, who built that ark according to specs to save every living species. Messiah said the end of days would be "as in the days of Noah." Noah was commanded to do some stockpiling, but as soon as the water receded, he planted . . . Stockpiling was only good until sustainability was once again possible.
As lazy as many are in this country, sustainability will not even be an inviting concept. Guaranteed, when anarchy reigns, it won't be the seeds and garden implements anyone is after . . .but the stockpiles. I would wager to guess, stockpiles may serve for barter and negotiation, but will not serve for long term sustainability. Our Creator's plan is all that will truly provide and endure. In the case of societal collapse and economic control, jobs will not be employment, but slavery.
And YHWH Elohim took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it
and to keep it. Genesis 2:15 . . . that if any would not work, neither should he eat. II Timothy 3:10b
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