As the gay agenda continues to gain momentum in this country by aggressively attacking small businesses and confusing children, I'll be sharing thoughts and observations. Today the observation is simple. We are looking at one more method of population control. I realize for now there is surrogacy and adoption and it looks like a gay couple would probably receive preferential treatment through this system. Now, let's consider the concept, that all this extra legislation potentially places the government in every bedroom across the country.
I saw an interview earlier today about China's "one child law," and how the population is no longer the issue, but the law remains in place to keep people living in fear and under government control. Is there anyone in this country who doesn't think our government wants more control?
If gay marriage and gay partnerships are "mainstreamed" in our society, it will only bring more government control over all children. Those words spoken over creation, "Be fruitful and multiply" have been "fightin' words" to the enemy throughout history. The children have always been the spoils of war and the victims of war! This spiritual battle continues to prove that. The gay agenda doesn't realize it's just a temporary tool of an expanding government. Elected officials, formerly known as public servants, are in place to expand power. The blatant rebellion against the Word of YHWH and exaltation of national pride will bring judgment.
With gay marriage, mandatory vaccinations, and managed healthcare, don't think for a moment every registered birth in the nation won't be government controlled. For the most part, they already are, but with surrogate mothers and adoption becoming a major part of being fruitful and multiplying, children will simply be wards of the state with an adult or a pair of adults "granted" custody.
Here on the preservation, I can tell you, all hens and no rooster means plenty of eggs, but no hatchlings. With the goats, a buck will tear a fence down or practically kill himself jumping, to get to the does through the mating season. Animals continue to procreate and repopulate because they have remained true to the way they were created, although legislation and regulation is attempting to weigh heavily on animals as well.
Marriage ruled by our government has placed the reproductive rights in the hands of the government, and those hands are about to become clenched fists.
And YHWH blessed them, and YHWH said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply . . . Genesis 1: 28
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