I am a creationist! I am 100% sold out on the week of creation. I believe the first Words of YHWH brought forth His Son. The first line of Scripture in the original Hebrew includes the "aleph tav." The first day there was light, also a reference to Messiah, as confirmed in Revelation 21:23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for
the glory of G-d did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.
Day 2, water is mentioned and separated. The most basic of elements in sustaining life. By the third day, our food and remedies were created. Now, if we'd have remained obedient, remedies would not have been needed, but we didn't and our Creator in His benevolent mercy created what would be needed. The fourth day has brought much illumination to my walk. I guess this is where I might add [pun intended.] Not only has it underscored when the month actually begins, but has also given great confirmation that the Light, spoken into existence on day one is clearly not from the sun.
As the week moves forward to day five, it should be noted that Abba created sustenance before He created the creatures that would need it. Separating the water from the sky before He created fish and birds was definitely perfect planning. He also created the shelter and food sources before creating the creatures. To even attempt to explain the order of the universe with the theory of an explosion seems preposterous.
The sixth day, of course, came the mammals, "things that creepeth," and people. The things that creepeth, I suppose covers everything from insects to reptiles. I'm not quite sure where amphibians fit into the week of creation, but I'm confident they were created specifically, and did not not evolve between water and land. By the end of the first chapter of Genesis, we read that the Creator was pleased with creation, it was good.
All of this now brings us to the fact that evolution is a theory of science, while the account of creation is considered only a religious story. Truth be told, both require faith. I don't have enough faith to believe this world came into existence by accident without a plan. Since I've actually experienced some promises of Scripture and heard the Voice of our Creator, I don't have any problem believing the account of Creation. I think it's even grander than packaging it as Intelligent Design. This world was spoken into being! Of course, I can't convince an evolutionist that his faith is misdirected, by arguing against the theory he believes. Neither creation nor evolution can be proven scientifically.
There is one thing, however; that sets Creation above any theory and is actually proven throughout the world. The calendar has seven days. As a creationist, I can't prove what happened the first six days of the week of creation, but I can still live the intended purpose of the seventh day, and it's verified on calendars around the world.
And G-d blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had
rested from all his work which G-d created and made. Genesis 2:3
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