One of the recent entries addressed family and tribe . . . Since then the "talk" has died down and the walks have become apparent, and well, some things just turn out differently than we first expect, and yet in retrospect, there is a relief when events unfold differently than early expectations. Meanwhile, new doors have opened and I have been truly blessed to meet some of my tribe! I could give a huge rundown of the connections, but suffice it to say, one thing led to another, to kick off, yet something else, and now that some of the dust has settled, the blessings are wonderful!
As we were first becoming acquainted, there wasn't the "rush and gush" that so often happens, and I find that both comforting and inviting. There has been a time of questions and offers, without feelings of intrusion or false promises! We've shared precious Sabbath dinner, as well as celebrated Hanukkah. Since Hanukkah isn't an appointed Torah Feast, I feel there is a much more casual opportunity to simply get together and rejoice in the fact, our Heavenly Father does miracles! I learned through Sukkot, attempting fellowship when the calendars conflict is just that . . . attempting and coflict!
Of course we do know mishpocha is scattered, and I pray for them, but it's nice to get to fellowship face to face on occasion, and I'll be honest, I do appreciate being appreciated. As I think of the wonderful conversations we've shared through these past months, one stands out, particularly. We were just speaking in general about fellowship and visiting, when I told her, they were welcome anytime. If I had a "heads up" there would be a meal prepared, and if it was short notice, there is always plenty to prepare here, together, when they arrived. I could literally hear her countenance light up as she said, "there's nothing like cooking together to form a bond." As it turned out, we were blessed to experience that very thing, and then some . . .
We made Hanukkah plans, and of course she brought delicious food and I prepared some, as well, but I didn't cook the latkes ahead of their visit. Nobody likes cold fried food, so we prepared them together! Oh, what a blessing! The latkes were delicious and the fellowship was delightful. The dreidel was, well, dreidel; but all had a wonderful time. I mentioned more blessing in the kitchen and I have to say, I believe the following event is probably a fairly rare occurrence in this day and age.
This same family is fairly new to homesteading and they had a big beef, still on the hoof, that they wanted in the freezer. When I inquired as to the size of this creature, I was immediately honest with them and told them I didn't the equipment to drop and bleed out anything that size. They told me they had someone who would drop it, skin, gut and hang it, but they'd like to learn how to cut it up. Now that would be no problem, if it came quartered . . . They assured me it would. I am so thankful for that! So, the date was set, and preparation was discussed . . . and then the rain came . . .
Imagine if you will, bonding in the kitchen over a 200 pound forequarter! We got busy and stayed busy; as there as 150 pound hindquarter outdoors waiting! She and I basically, never left the kitchen. We went from processing beef, to serving a rather late lunch, back to processing more beef. I made the comment at some point, this reminded me of my grandma's kitchen. I'm so blessed to be able to keep the earthy arts alive! I also observed, that I just wasn't sure Biblical fatted calves would have been as large as this one was, but we persevered and prevailed. I was truly impressed with their eagerness to learn and their immediate ability to carry out what they were learning, as the other side awaited them at home.
Four months ago, we were all feeling pretty isolated. They were new to the area and basically knew no one. I, on the other hand, have been here awhile and made several wonderful friends/family, yet hungered for Torah fellowship. I see a real coming together from many directions.
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