I was going to post this in "updates" but upon further consideration, this seems to be the better choice. There is a day coming that will mark the end of the world as we know it, but most of us will not realize it until we are already into the new world order. I'm not talking about the mark of the beast or the apocalypse, but smaller things that will just slip away and be gone before we realize it. I truly do not believe the new world order will be sudden, or have a countdown announced. Although I do believe the prophesied ugliness will become obvious, I believe the one world order will come into place, one glitch at a time.
About a month ago, I started noticing my phone was working differently, as was my internet connection. I'm not going conspiranoid here, just making an observation, because this subject has already been addressed my many in regard to the electricity grid. Back to the past month. It was a Monday afternoon that I saw the light on the phone blinking indicating voice mail. I'd been outdoors so I naturally thought I'd not heard the phone ring. I hadn't heard the phone ring, because the phone hadn't rung that afternoon. The voicemail was from the previous Friday. I was home all day Friday and Sabbath and the blinking light for voice mail had not appeared. Sunday, I was in and out, but still no blinking light on the phone. After listening to Friday's message Monday afternoon, it occurred to me there had been no calls all weekend. Folks that know me, know I'm a seventh day Sabbath keeper, so a weekend with no calls is not unheard of, but then it happened again a couple of weeks later in the middle of the week.
The second time it happened, again I didn't realize until the calls began coming in again. More than one person told me they had tried to call and didn't even get my voicemail. Also through these weeks, my computer seems to be in constant update mode and running like a three legged dog. My wifi has also not connected, yet it's set to automatically connect when I turn on the computer. Through that same time, I've left voicemail messages for my daughter, and she said she never heard her phone ring or saw a missed message. Then other times, she picks right up . . .
When her phone didn't ring and no missed call or messages showed up, she said she was due for an upgrade . . . I noticed my computer began to bog down when I refused an upgrade and the new Windows operating system. I'm using a very old wifi connection and my phone is verizon landline, so the signal comes from the tower but my phone can't leave the place. Now, here's where I'm actually going with this "glitch theory." No, I do not think Verizon or AT&T or Microsoft are trying to disconnect me, but I do wonder if Microsoft doesn't have "total control" in their mission statement. My point is, if a communication signal was actually lost or as folks have posted about EMPs shutting down the grid . . . How many of us would just think it's our own personal glitch?
I'm in the middle of basically nowhere, so when there are glitches, I presume it's just a local glitch. When offices have computer issues, everyone is sure it's just a software problem . . . When phone messages don't go through, we can't talk to anyone else to see if it's wider scale . . . I'm relatively sure the day is coming when communication will come at a greater cost than I'm willing to pay, as in a spiritual cost. I'm guessing before we hear that blast of the shofar of Messiah's return, my method of communication may be down to smoke signals . . . providing the EPA hasn't outlawed that!
It is possible to see we could actually experience some sort of a significant problem, lose the ability to receive the information; and just think it's a little glitch in our system or need an upgrade, when the reality would be much larger scale.
If any man have an ear, let him hear. Revelation 13:9
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