We certainly are not supposed to drop out, hunker down, and wait for the collapse. We are to "occupy" until Messiah returns and Mark clearly stated in 13:24, that he's not coming til after the tribulation, so regardless of how much life changes we are to carry on. As for Abba providing after the collapse, of course He provides for His own. David said the righteous don't beg, but many people are already seeking assistance or are deeply dependent in their provision, now, when things are still fairly good. Many do not realize all this assistance is still begging, as our society has just taken the shame out of begging . . .
In the past several years a new trend across the nation emerged. That was one of parents helping their kids through college by means of federal student loans. Some actually sign for the loans themselves, while others help the kids obtain them through financial information and tax records. I've been sounding the warning against that for years. Student loans cause two things and both can be devastating. One, student loans are debts that do not go away and can take anywhere from 10 to 30 years to pay off. An individual shared with me some time back that she couldn't pay the loan off early. So, basically the indebted student is an indentured servant to the government. The second thing, and it's being proven, many indebted students come back home after graduation, unable to afford independence and student loan payments. There appears to be a new problem arising now, as well. That is, many students have degrees, ladened with large debt, with little to no career opportunities in the field in which they obtained their degree.
The next generation is unprepared to enter the workforce after high school, while "programmed" to incur debt seeking higher education for which there is no job . . . I'm not the only one beating this drum. John Lawrence wrote a very insightful article on the subject. Below are a couple of paragraphs in his article.
>>>Despite the fact that Microsoft founder Bill Gates is a college dropout, Apple’s founder Steve Jobs was a college dropout and Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg is a college dropout (all became billionaires by the way), Americans have been sold a bill of goods that a college degree is necessary for the good life.
This hasn’t panned out for Serena Whitecotton, however. Since graduating last May with a grade-point average of 3.5, experience working at her school newspaper and a degree in communications from California State University at Fullerton, Whitecotton said she has applied for more than 400 journalism and public relations jobs. For her efforts, she has been granted 10 interviews that haven’t led to a single job offer. She still lives at home and has been unable to find work since her internship ended in November.
America has set up a class system whereby you are a second class citizen if you don’t graduate from college. Increasingly though the reality is that there is not much of a connection between a college degree and finding a good job, and American high schools are not preparing high school graduates for entering the work force directly after high school.<<<
For those who are assisting their adult children, I would encourage you to be sure to establish your own place for them to return . . . or consider networking with others in the same situation. For those who know the collapse is imminent, we can't count on the preparedness of others, we must be prepared.
Then Y'hshuwah said unto them, My time is not yet come: but your time is alway ready. John 7:6
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