This is very difficult to share, in that, it will involve me personally, as well as the remnant on every level from personal to global. I've struggled with how to understand and share this, because to be honest, I knew it was personal, but I figured if it was as big as it is being revealed to be, Abba would have given it to a more important, well spoken servant. For me to sit on this after receiving understanding, waiting for someone else to tell it, would be rebellion.
I rarely have dreams that include Mr. B. I've always thought it strange that in over 13 years of marriage, I can count the dreams that include him, on one hand. They are memorable, I assure you, but that's not really the point of this. When he is in a dream, I know there is spiritual significance, for two reasons. We are not joined, so something is brewing on the horizon that will be coming toward me and since I can hear the voice of Abba, when I receive a spiritual dream, the message is something I am struggling to understand or struggling against understanding.
The dream consisted of Mr. B and myself on some sort of "stage" or bema. There were no lights turned on, but light did come in through the windows of what appeared to be a large auditorium or modern sanctuary. We faced each other and behind us was a rectangular container, almost coffin like, with two or three dead eagles in lying side by side. The container was longer than it was wide and the birds were laid in what was the width of the box.
There was a space at the end of the container near Mr. B, that would accommodate one more bird, yet he was handing the eagle to me. The eagle had fierce talons, and as I took the bird by the legs, his uninjured wing spanned what seemed to be larger than I am tall. The other wing was wounded at the "shoulder" joint, but this bird was very much alive. I believe it was the left wing that was wounded, but that may just be because I took him in my left hand . . .
I posted it to social media the morning after dreaming it, asking for a Joseph or Daniel to interpret; and received virtually no takers. There were a couple of small insights offered and by the way the individuals shared, I could tell they knew it was significant and didn't want to misdirect or speak out of place. There was one individual who hides behind some ministry name who simply posted, that I knew what it meant. Thanks so much! It was not easy to gain understanding. I looked in Strong's Concordance for every place "eagle" appears in Scripture and then delved into every passage.
This is the understanding I have received. As we watch our known enemies, we are not seeing that Messiah's words are coming to pass. Our enemy is of our own . . . home, religion, and country. Betrayal is coming on a large scale, and blame will be "placed" . . . We cannot be betrayed by a known enemy, betrayal involves someone close, even trusted. For some, it will mean death and for some it will mean captivity. For the remnant, even in death, there is the promise of resurrection. As for captivity, we know ultimately the Truth will stand and the truth sets us free. In these many betrayals on all levels, many will be wounded, but in that wounded bird, there was amazing strength; symbolizing the promise of renewal.
But they that wait upon YHWH shall renew their strength; they shall mount up
with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and
not faint.
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