The difference between The Direction or a Distraction can be subtle. The difference can sometimes be described as discerning between G-d leading and just a good idea. So often in our Covenant walk of following Messiah, we are faced with a fork in the road, not between good and evil, but rather between a good idea and G-d's perfect will. I came to one of those forks this week. The gentleman who presented the opportunity was not trying to tempt me, but rather extended an invitation for ministry.
I had to stop and give serious consideration to this wonderful offer, because to be honest, I've been waiting a long time for the project I'm working on, to fully come to fruition. Just last week, I shared thoughts about struggling against "throwing in the towel," having waited long enough, to entertain a few doubts along the way. Those are not doubts in our Heavenly Father, but rather in my hearing and execution of the plan. There have been enough "almost connections" that have ended badly that I have questioned myself, my hearing, and my stand. I've lost a number of relationships through the years over the uncompromising stand I've been called to take. It seems so many folks in this country seem to envision themselves as offended victims or persecuted servants, and sometimes I just get weary of that. I want to make sure, though; that I'm not being stiffnecked, while telling myself I'm being steadfast.
This year, through the High Holy Days, I took serious inventory and asked myself some questions. We have to be careful when we do that, as we don't become so self focused we miss Abba's perspective. So, I asked Him to show me if I've taken a detour or become distracted. Basically, although still not perfect, I'm where I am supposed to be at this time. That means, even if I can't see the next step, I'm to stand where I am and continue looking up. He showed me how some things just weren't meant to be, regardless of how good of an idea they seemed at the time. As I listened to my Shepherd's voice, I knew the answer was still stand and wait. So, here it is three weeks following Sukkot and a week after writing about the temptation to throw in the towel, when the invitation arrives.
For a full twenty-four hours I tried to tell myself, this invitation is what I was waiting for, but I wasn't very convincing. The gentleman had made a very good point, in that he needed someone to come and share that the Commandments were not done away with, that Sabbath was still important for believers in Messiah. I tried praying about it, but Heaven's silence was deafening. So, I spent another day repenting for wanting my will over Abba's. It has been a long time since I tried to persuade Abba to come over to my way of thinking. That 24 hours of silence was frightening. It was in the day of repentance Abba reminded me that if I'd gone out of His will and participated in ministry of my own flesh, I would have not only compromised my service, but the ministry that had invited me, as well. He also informed me that self-serving ministry method is rampant in the country and we've taken it around the world!
On the third day, I wrote my response, asking Abba to please give me the words that would not come across as rejection. It wasn't easy to decline such a gracious and exciting offer, but it was the right thing to do, and the peace that flooded my spirit certainly washed away the difficulty. The response was exciting. We are already working on ways to work together half way around the world! If I'd fed the doubts or gone on in my own fleshly desire to travel, I'd have missed out on the blessing "with Adonai, all things are possible." The homestead will be "manned" and via internet and mail, the message can be shared. Most importantly, two ministries have formed a fellowship and are praying in agreement on opposite sides of this globe! The distraction was not the invitation, at all, but rather the doubts of the "almost connections" that simply were not part of Abba's plan. There was no need to doubt the direction at all!
But now is made manifest, and by the Scriptures of the prophets, according to
the commandment of the everlasting Elohim, made known to all nations for the
obedience of faith: Romans 16:26
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