As I walked back to the sukkah last evening, I couldn't help but think of all the things I thought were going to happen, that simply no longer seem to be in the plans. Oh, I still believe this will be a place of refuge, but it won't be like I first envisioned it, not at all. First is the fact that many who cross my path, really aren't going to make any significant changes until it all hits the fan. There will be no hearty welcome for those who already know, but plan to survive on someone else's preparedness. I'm not the only established homesteader that feels this way. A friend actually gave Scriptural confirmation to that fact. The parable of the virgins that Messiah spoke in Matthew 25.
As a religious society we've spiritualized everything so much, that we really don't seem to even expect the manifestation of true faith that the early followers walked in. The early followers brought something to the gathering to share . . . instead of panicked need, or medicated acceptance. Those who truly sought Abba in Moshiach walked in the power of Moshiach. There is little evidence that they spent a great deal of time, "ever learning," and constantly debating. They did speak in the market square and attend Temple, but their lives truly radiated evidence of having been with Messiah.
When I prayed to "live the Bible," I naturally had some ideas, even expectations. So far, it's been abundantly more than I would have thought to ask or imagine. In that abundance has also come a few unwelcomed realities. The largest one being, I'm not going to be Rahab as detailed in Joshua. Oh, I may host a few folks in their travels along the way, or even hide a couple of brothers, but I'm already in covenant. Sadly, it doesn't look like my natural family will be here to be protected, as was Rahab's.
In hearing I would receive the promise of Abraham, I was overjoyed. Who doesn't want to be called a friend of Yah? Who wouldn't want to be a loving spiritual patriarch or matriarch to many? I sadly overlooked the Ishmael factor, and that caught me a bit off guard. Certainly not because Abba concealed it, it's right there in writing; I just didn't want to see it. Through the years of hearing so many modern comparisons to Bible greats, Abba has placed it on my heart to be sure and read "the rest of the story." We talk big, but the reality is, most of us get ahead of His plan or bow down to the rules, for employment, for provision, for social expectation, for family peace, for a myriad of reasons. It's so easy to talk bravely, it's another matter entirely to trust Abba and truly stand on His Word.
We are coming to the valley of decision in each of our lives, or even the valley of the shadow of death. As the world around us deteriorates further into chaos, we must take inventory of our "oil." When the Bridegroom comes, there will be those who have their lamps filled and their wicks trimmed and those who don't. But before Messiah returns, there will be utter chaos and tribulation, such as the world has never seen. It truly is time to make sure we are ready. That is, not in making connections for a place to save our own skin, but rather, being so close to Messiah we hear our Creator's voice and have obediently prepared for the Plan He has intended for each of us.
Then Y'hshuwah said unto them, My time is not yet come: but your time is alway
ready. the Gospel according to John
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