Sunday, September 21, 2014

A New Perspective

All summer long, my attitude has been transforming.  As I can and preserve for winter and the coming Shemitah, a strange new awareness has truly overtaken me.  I can have baked goods, any old time.  Fresh vegetables are a special luxury!  The only reason I've needed bread this summer, is for tomato sandwiches, when I got my little bottle baby and couldn't make as much cottage cheese.  The tomatoes have been so juicy, there's been no need for salad dressing.  Oh, I could go on and on, and so I will . . .

I shared with a friend the other day, our society has everything all backward.  I can go out to the garden, pick a cucumber and tomato and have dinner.  That's fast food!  You'd think, the way I eat, I'd have a perfect body.  Haha!  That is not the case, so it's a good thing I eat like I do.  I may have already written this, but one of my daughters told me, if she ate like I do, she'd weigh 70 pounds.  Considering my propensity and shape, I'm very thankful to have the taste preferences I do.  Back to my transformation in thinking.

The squash was extraordinarily delicious this year.  My eggplant didn't fare so well, but there's a new Italian restaurant that serves wonderful Eggplant Parmesan.  I'll have enough eggplant for "moussaka for one" through Feast of Tabernacles and that will suffice.  I haven't found a way to properly preserve eggplant anyway.  It's interesting this year, in that the produce that preserves well, has been in great abundance.  Just between you, me, and the fence post, it sure wouldn't hurt my feelings if Abba brought forth a volunteer tomato plant next year.  We are called to eat what the land produces in shemitah . . . I've already scouted some pretty nice salad fixins.  If the land should produce a volunteer tomato, I will be obedient!

It's so nice to realize, full figured at 56 years of age, I place more value on a fresh tomato than a piece of chocolate cake!  I find myself already thinking, baked and preserved food is just to help us more appreciate Abba's original plan for man, to tend the garden.

 And YHWH Elohim made a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had made. Torah of Holy Scripture


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