I've realized in this past couple of weeks just how different life can be, if we live according to Torah. Now, obviously, since most of society doesn't, that's going to make those who do, quite different, also. I've had the privilege of walking out many aspects of Scripture, simply because I asked. I'm not making a big claim to fame here, but rather Scriptural events have just unfolded around me, by the Hand of Elohim.
In another article, I mentioned that I align the homestead by the Hebrew calendar, even the breeding season, in an attempt to avoid the herd birthing through the most critical of weather. This past week, with the forecast being unseasonably cold, I began checking dates; realizing the kidding season was imminent. Thank G-d, no kids arrived through those bitter cold days.
Through this, I remembered with a smile, my Jacob moment last fall. I was down by the pond cutting branches for the sukkah, when Buck and Oreo got frisky . . . Genesis tells us, Jacob had quite the breeding plan by the watering hole with branches. How delightful to know this was not a one time event.
This event got my wheels turning about other things in our society, as well. If we were Torah observant, sex education by the public school system would be completely unnecessary. If we grew up knowing about niddah, the girls would have no need to see "The Movie" as it was euphemised in late elementary school. If more children were living agriculturally, we certainly would have no use of common core's rendition of "normal and healthy."
Our Creator made everything perfect, and then went to the extra trouble to record the facts and Instructions for us. He was also gracious enough to document the consequences of those who did heed the warning. Seems simple enough. For success in this life, all we have to do read Instructions and enjoy the testimonials . . .
And he set the rods which he had pilled before the flocks in the gutters in the
watering troughs when the flocks came to drink, that they should conceive when
they came to drink. Torah of Holy Scripture
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