More homesteads are being established, more Americans are heading for simpler sustainability, and many have the goal of going off the grid. With that in mind, there are also many of us who have either been led to begin the foundational work for communities to gather and some who are seeing the need to "community up" in the near future. As I read the predictions and time lines of the official beginning of the time of tribulation, I honestly do not know where we are in the end of days. What I do know, is; I haven't been told to stop preparing and I've not heard that I'm ready for what will be coming in the end of days.
There are several folks sharing information about what they are doing toward self-sustainability, but in that there have also been a number of disagreements about basic tenets of faith, that indicate the body of Messiah isn't quite ready for unity yet. I've developed a theory about what it will take for unity, as I've also had my bumps in the road with folks looking to be a part of this particular "preservation."
First, I think we are all still way to comfortable in our own knowledge. It seems many of us have already forgotten how much our beliefs have changed in the last decade or less. We also have the idea we can completely change our understanding, yet we are still clinging to old foundational perspectives. If we've only come into the truth in the last five or six years, there is no way we can be mature beyond that. That's not to say, the Great Spirit of our Creator cannot change us immediately to operate in us and teach us, but most of us still have more to "let go of" or unlearn.
I've been in discussions in which we all thankfully agreed to not discuss new month from dark of the moon to sliver through that approximate four day period, and there are those who insist upon lunar Sabbaths and spring equinox, and I almost forgot, the full moon/new month people. There are folks who insist the seventh day of YHWH's calendar should not be in sync with the Gregorian calendar at all. Then there are the "sunrise is day" folks vs. the 24 hour day folks with the day beginning at sunset. Oh, and I almost forgot the whole spelling and pronunciation debate of the proper Name of our Creator. I do believe we are to acknowledge His Name in the Hebrew, but without vowels, He knows we are calling upon His Name as respectfully as we know how. I prefer to leave the presumption out of it and just speak the letters. I've even experienced, although briefly, the debates regarding the proper "doneness" of meat and what is correct . . . then there's the interpretation of meat and milk in the same meal.
I'm guessing when the troubles really intensify, meat may not even be an issue, and milk will probably be for the children only. We'll be too busy surviving to be constantly debating, and there will probably be different groups who do unite with the same convictions about new moon, length of day, etc. I feel certain that at some point in the end of days, the people of Shaddai will find the actual enemy a bigger target than each other, and will hold Psalm 133 as a blessed privilege of which to be a part. As I read Scripture, I see over and over, it was tough times and persecution that really rallied the communal lifestyle and caring for each other. YHWH even told the children of Israel, when they came into the Promised Land and enjoyed the goodness, they would forget Him.
Although I'm pretty dismissive of those who are collecting all this knowledge and plan to pick up manna, it would be nice to see some manna fall, just to resolve the seventh day issue once and for all!
It is my guess, when we are enduring the times of tribulation, we'll see a real convergence of togetherness and the luxuries that cause the issues between us now, will probably not even be attainable.
To be in one accord regarding Messiah, and our willingness to be obedient to Torah, we will at some point come together in like groups. Until Messiah returns, I believe the dark moon folks will find their way to each other, the equinoxians will gather, and the sliver folk will have their places of refuge, but the seventh day will have to be agreed upon, because the working of anyone is forbidden on Sabbath, so if Sabbath is not agreed upon, we would be causing each other to be in disobedience.
A Song of degrees of David. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren
to dwell together in unity!