The peace of living here on the preservation is an amazing gift from our Creator, until . . . I fight to defend it. Then I lose that peace and whoever or whatever that prefers confusion incurs my frustration, which is absolutely derisory on my part. Since I established this blog, I've learned so much about myself . . . and a great deal of it has been insightful, but not necessarily endearing.
I truly enjoy the life I've been given and the plan our Creator has for me, but sometimes I get side tracked, sometimes waylaid, and on some occasions the place gets infiltrated! I'm not being overly dramatic here at all when I use these terms, nor am I claiming persecution. It's more right now, of just a matter of spiritual struggles. Even though I've allowed some ridiculous infiltration in the past, I still believe YHWH will use this place in the vision I saw four years ago. It's just not going to happen as fast as I'd hoped. On the other hand, I'm so glad to have some of the big hurdles out of the way and behind me.
This preservation will be a place where the inhabitants will be encouraged to be creative and use their G-d given talents and gifts, but there will be no spiritual compromise. That is not to say, interpretative differences, as none of us has it all correct. Spiritual compromise, in my understanding, is agreeing to something to "keep the peace" when it goes against my convictions. But I've learned, I compromise spiritually, when I become frustrated with infiltration, and forget "the battle is not mine." I'm not by nature, confrontational, but I will not be controlled.
Since YHWH gave me clear instructions for this ministry, I am not at liberty to just move on to avoid confrontation, and if I allow humans to control this place or me, I lose the blessing and purpose of YHWH. Some of the stands I've had to take in obedience to His plan were heart-wrenching at the time, but absolutely the right ones. Other times, I've avoided confrontation to the point, I finally respond wrong, and that's where I have to stop, repent, and redo.
I think the biggest thing I've learned is the revelation that what YHWH calls sin and finds offensive in me, is not what people have judged to be wrong, but upon my repentance according to His definition, the peace that passes all understanding returns and I am restored.
But YHWH said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of
his stature; because I have refused him: for YHWH sees not as man sees;
for man looks on the outward appearance, but YHWH looks on the heart. History of Holy Scripture
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