As life takes some unexpected turns, and current events are somehow relegated to history, I continue to cling to the One Who is steadfast, the One Who changes not.
We've had our own twists and turns, here at the Preservation since it's inception. I knew I was coming to found a community, and shortly after arriving, I heard this was for my descendants. I felt it would include grandchildren and I've already been blessed to see a great grandchild, but as for the first generation, it remains to be seen, and as for how many of the descendants, only YHWH knows.
I am blessed, not only to serve, the Unchanging Self-Existing One, but so far, there is one consistent descendant, who just last night revealed how very much she loves to write. And so without further comment from me, I'm honored to share Sadie's perspective of Life on the Preservation.
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