Thursday, January 3, 2013

Food and Capital

I'm struggling with a new awareness that has really put me in a pretty foul mood today. I don't really like to use this blog for the comments I'm about to make, but I believe what I have realized will truly affect everyone's way of life. I walk in covenant with the G-d of Abraham. I don't always get it right, but He does and that is my aim. As I have experienced some new revelations of things to come in this country, a thought has occurred to me.
I have read more than once about farmers in China "tampering" with the food supply. One was a dairy farmer and I can't remember what the other one was raising, but they added something to increase product and were found guilty. In China, tampering with the food supply means capital punishment. That's right, these guys found guilty were executed. Now, here in America, tampering with the food supply means capital gain, protected by the Supreme Court.
I'm not advocating for China, and their particular brand of government, but rather I'm questioning why our government, a world super power, would allow and protect a substandard food supply to "stretch' the product and increase the gains. Farmers here in the US, for the most part, will never have their land paid off, make the last payment on their equipment, or plant seed that belongs to them. That's what we've done with our food supply. Now the ones in control of our food supply, will also apparently be given favor with our Courts and do with the seed what they choose, because they own the seeds too! Farmers literally have to account of seeds, for their entire crop by documented success or failure.
We truly are coming to a time in which, if we want nutrition, we'll have to grow our own food or pray it is imported from a country that has higher standards than the USDA and FDA.
Be not deceived; G-d is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

1 comment:

  1. So we plant, and keep on planting & nurturing.
    May YHWH judge with sensitivity, vision, and insight for the sprouting seeds: plants *and people.
