Wednesday, February 15, 2012

More Preparation to Be Ready

I was just speaking to a friend about the things we are doing to "be ready." I told her, I truly want to be as ready as I used to think I was, already. I did get the trees planted and we've been blessed to receive a number of soft gentle rains this past week. HalleluYah! I've also sown the bedding plants for the garden and G-d willing, I'm in step with HIS plan and provision in this matter. I planted one "tray" of seeds, but then became convicted that others may find themselves in need of bedding plants, but are not yet in a position to be able to do that or even know they need to. Perhaps, it won't be the bedding plants that are needed, but the actual produce itself . . . At any rate, a couple of hours on a rainy afternoon, a couple dollars' worth of heirloom seeds in 50 cents of dirt is a small investment in what could potentially be a big return to feed many! So many of us have forgotten what G-d created and gifted us to do. Of course, as I sit here writing about the planting I've done, I'm also very aware that I have been created to plant spiritual seeds as well, and so I will do that as well. It's time to enlarge and expand the coverage. Talking accomplishes so little, and something else that has become quite clear, accomplishment of G-d's plan actually takes so little, on my part. HE has the plan, HE has the provision, HE gives me the time and the strength. All it takes from me, is my willingness to set my heart and hand to the task. So, today, although there has been more preparation accomplished, I now know, there is still more to be done, and G-d has blessed me with the strength, and the wisdom to accomplish HIS purpose and further prepare for those that will be coming to this preservation.
Commit thy works unto YHWH, and thy thoughts shall be established. a Proverb of Holy Scripture

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