Monday, January 9, 2012

Living and Learning

It seems this time of year, I'm doing a lot of meat processing, but as I consider this fact, it only makes sense. Spring is planting season, summer is garden tending and canning season, autumn is harvest time, and winter, since nothing is growing or needing tending, time to tend to the meat. Not only is meat processing hard work, but it really needs an element of cooling effect for proper processing, and since these freezer destined critters are grazers, it only makes sense to not have so many when the pastures are not green and lush. For centuries, the seasons have ordered the planting, gathering, and hunting for humanity. G-d mentioned that early on. It seems our society has gotten so far from G-d's plan and been so religious about doing that. How can we look at HIS Instruction and determine it was for another people and another time, yet at the same time, assume to be entitled to the blessings? Simply stated, we can't. We are only kidding ourselves. So, as we continue this journey of living and learning, I again find myself embracing, not just the words of Scripture, but the understanding that Scripture is living Word, or to be succinct, G-d's Word is life.

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: Torah of Holy Scripture

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