We people of the preservation take Scripture pretty literally, when it comes to personal obedience. I'm not talking about judging others, I'm talking personal obedience and responsibility. It brings me great delight to remember the passage early in Genesis in which G-d had Adam name all the animals. I believe G-d's people are still responsible for that task and I love it! Now, I do have to admit, some of our chickens, the ones heading for the pot and skillet, don't get names, but everything else on the place does. Our burro is Azalea, our dogs are Mordechai, Hank & Babe, The goats are quite numerous, so I won't mention them all, but they all do have names and they know their names. This morning I went out to do chores and I always make sure everyone is accounted for. They have their regular routine, and I fit into that, so anything out of the ordinary is noticeable. With it being winter now, often they are either tucked into one of their houses or munching hay on the far side of the bale, so when I can't see someone, I don't presume the worst, but I do follow up. This morning I couldn't find Stella. She's one of the milkers, so she's pretty sociable and dependable. I went to the gate and called her name. I called again and it was so funny. From the back side of the bale, she peeked over and looked at me, as if to say, "I heard you the first time, but I had to climb up here for you to see me. Now, what's the problem?" I love that Stella. I also noticed in another pen, one of our pygmies that's due pretty quick was not visible when I first made my rounds, but I didn't hear any sounds out of the ordinary, so I opened chicken houses and finished my rounds and came back. I called her name, and I heard this muffled response. I thought, she might be in one of the houses . . . but no, when I called again she came to the front of a well eaten out bale of hay, and looked at me as if to say, "This better be important!" She had literally "buried" buried herself in the eaten out pocket of that bale and had been tucked completely out of sight. It's interesting to watch G-d's creatures and be privileged to be a part in the care of them. They have their names and they know their names.
And out of the ground YHWH G-d formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. Torah of Holy Scripture
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