I'm going to attempt to post some pics later this week, as to just how beautiful this time of year is. Autumn in the Ozarks is truly a sight to behold, and this year is exceptionally grand. Also with this time of year comes the communicable bugs that tend to damper our enthusiasm and well just flat make us feel bad. In all the attempts to protect ourselves and our loved ones from illness, we are often introducing a myriad of chemicals and products that may actually weaken our natural immunities as well as just presenting foreign compounds that our bodies really do not know how to process. Remember, what goes on our skin is absorbed throughout our body. I want to share a very natural hand sanitizing recipe that requires no rinsing and depending upon the container of choice, can be just as portable as any prepackaged product. I have used the prepared products, but I find the list of chemicals offensive, and the product itself to be very drying to my already winter chapped hands. This product recipe I'm sharing is not designed or recommended to replace hand washing! It's just for those times when you can't get to soap and water . . .
Natural Hand Sanitizer
12 drops Tea Tree Oil
7 drops Lemon essential oil
1 drop Thyme oil
1 Tablespoon Witch hazel
Mix by swirling or shaking in clean jar or container that is at least 8 oz. Add 8 oz. organic Aloe Vera Gel. Shake well and use just a few drops as you would any hand sanitizer.
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith YHWH, and touch not the unclean thing . . . New Testament
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